South Woodford Post Office Closure.
Cllr Suzanne Nolan of South Woodford ward speaks out about the
George Lane Post Office Closure:
It is terrible news and disappointing that the Crown Post Office in
George Lane has announced it is closing this April, after all the hard
work we did in 2017 and 2018 to keep it open. It could not come at a
worse time for the High Street which is already struggling with loss of
I am working hard with my ward colleague Cllr Michael Duffell and Iain
Duncan Smith MP to get this decision reversed or at the very least to
ensure there is a form of Post Office in South Woodford. To help this we
need as many people as possible to sign our petition to stop its closure.
The Crown Post Office provides vital services and has been a key part
of our local community for years so please sign the petition!
With the support and help of all users and residents we will do our best
to try and ensure we keep a vital busy Post Office presence in George Lane.
Join the fight to save our Post Office